
Uomo, 55 anni,
Ascoli Piceno (AP)

Cerco una relazione stabile con una donna

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Altre informazioni

  • Ultima attività: Più di un anno fa
  • Fumatore: No
  • Mi piace:

    • multirazzialità
  • Non sopporto:

    • razzisti

Dico di me:

I am a lawyer, middle class, divorced for many years, I have no children, I live alone in my flat in a small town two hours from Rome, but I also have a house in the country where my parents still live. I'm not here to play games. At over 50 I can't play. I want a woman who will be a good life companion and who knows how to keep a house. I am ready to treat her like a princess, as far as I can. You'll be my companion. Free to work or stay at home. I am an honest and fair man.

Contatta Nikovero

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